The Curriculum of the Steiner School - Class 3

Notes and Lesson Plans

Farming & Gardening
updated August 19, 2023

Recorded here is my own personal collection of articles, resources, favorite links, teaching ideas, and lesson plans. It encompasses many years, from the very beginning of my experience studying and learning about Waldorf to the present time. People from all around the world visit my site and recommend it to others. Welcome!

This site records my journey. I hope my honesty is encouraging and helps break down some barriers that may prevent people from trying Waldorf methods. Because this is an ongoing site documenting my curriculum planning and ideas, some materials are more Waldorf-y than others. Please feel free to take what you like and leave the rest.

This page has helpful links and LOADS of free resources to help you plan your third grade year. Enjoy!

Mission Statement - Consulting Services - Lending Library

Farming & Gardening
for Class 3

Waldorf Main Lesson Block Planning: Farming & Gardening

Join a community of fellow homeschoolers planning this exact same main lesson block for plenty of help and support. This course is aimed at homeschoolers who are already familiar with the Waldorf method, but would appreciate extra feedback and encouragement in planning this block.

Make friends and ask specfic questions of an experienced Waldorf homeschool teacher and consultant as you work through this inspiring, do-able, step by step course. Lifetime access. Just $30.00!

Pinterest - Renee Schwartz
My curated collection of visuals! Browse sample main lesson book pages, watercolor paintings, chalkboard drawings, etc. for Farming & Gardening.

MLB Pages - Farming & Gardening: Hydroponics, Cold Frames
my blog post with all of Natalie's and Leah's main lesson book pages

FREE eBooks at the Online Waldorf Library
Excellent resource! Published Waldorf curriculum books provided here in PDF format for you to download, keep, and read... for free!

Sample Lessons and Free Curriculum

Other Helpful Links

Books to Buy

I highly recommend using your public library extensively for this block, although if you can find a used copy of Roy Wilkinson's out of print book Teaching Practical Activities: Farming, Gardening, Housebuilding for Ages 9 and 10, I suggest using it to frame these two classic 3rd grade main lesson blocks.

*NEW* Native American Gardening: Stories, Projects, and Recipes for Families by Michael Caduto and Joseph Bruchac would work perfectly as a "textbook" for your child and combines extremely practical and detailed gardening information, hands-on projects and recipes, and Native American Legends. If you wanted to save time and have an all-in-one resource for this block, it's my BEST recommendation.

Another helpful and inexpensive option is Gardening with Kids by Sharon MacLatchie, which is a comprehensive gardening book from the 1970s by Rodale Press, available used starting at just a penny. There's no end to the list of projects you can do! We've tried hydroponics, container gardening, cold frames, straw bale gardening, and traditional vegetable beds.

Here are some practical how-to gardening books I have and LOVE. I hope you find them helpful!

Favorite gardening picture books to inspire you:

Blog posts from teaching this as a main lesson block in 2020:

Some misc. blog posts from teaching this topic are below. You can also go to my blog and search for all posts with the label "Farming & Gardening."

Older versions of this block:

  • Farming & Gardening / Introduction to Fractions
    a bridge between Grade 3 and Grade 4
  • See also the notes from my 2008 Summer Camps - camp topics included Farming & Gardening and Housebuilding.

  • Affiliate links through Amazon cover domain registration, web hosting, and website backup fees. This allows me to offer
    my materials for free. Any extra revenue is used as our homeschool budget for the month. Thank you for your support!

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