The Curriculum of the Steiner School
updated January 1, 2023
Recorded here is my own personal collection of articles, resources, favorite links, teaching ideas, and lesson plans. It encompasses many years, from the very beginning of my experience studying and learning about Waldorf to the present time. People from all around the world visit my site and recommend it to others. Welcome!
This site records my journey. I hope my honesty is encouraging and helps break down some barriers that may prevent people from trying Waldorf methods. Because this is an ongoing site documenting my curriculum planning and ideas, some materials are more Waldorf-y than others. Please feel free to take what you like and leave the rest.
Pine Hill Waldorf School - nice overview of the highlights of each year
See also
Phases and Transitions in Waldorf Education (PDF)
Harlan Gilbert
Grades Curriculum links on The Waldorf Method page
High School Curriculum links on The Waldorf Method page
*NEW* browse through my collection of Pinterest Boards with samples of chalkboard drawings and main lesson book pages for many blocks
- Form Drawing
- Writing: introduction to the alphabet
block capital letters
- Mathematics:
the quality of numbers, counting to 100, Roman and Arabic numerals, the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Nature Study
- Singing and introduction to the Recorder
- Handwork: Knitting
- Eurythmy
- Foreign Language
- Painting, Beeswax Modelling, Crayon Drawing
- English:
fables from around the world, study of the saints, introduction to reading, grammar
- Mathematics:
continuing work with the four processes, Column Algorithms
- Form Drawing
running forms, leading to cursive handwriting
- Nature Study:
through Aesop's fables, work of Thornton W. Burgess,
Native American stories
- Singing and Recorder
- Handwork: Knitting, Crochet
- Eurythmy
- Foreign Language
- Painting and Modelling
- English: intensive study of grammar
- Structured Word Inquiry
- Writing: introduction to cursive handwriting
- Mathematics of Practical Life:
Time, Temperature, Weight & Volume,
linear measurement (integrated into Housebuilding),
Trade Goods & The Development of Currency
- Form Drawing
- Social and Environmental Studies:
Farming & Gardening,
Housebuilding Fibers & Clothing
- Cultural Studies: stories of the Old Testament, Jewish festivals
- Drama
- Singing: singing in rounds
- Recorder
- Handwork: Spinning, Weaving
- Eurythmy
- Foreign Language
- Painting
- Sports
- English:
work in grammar continues introduction to composition writing through personal narratives
- Tall Tales (which ties in nicely with Local Industry)
- Geography and Local History/Industry - map skills, landforms & water features
- Zoology: comparative study of human being and other animals
- Cultural Studies: Norse mythology
- Mathematics: Introduction to Fractions
- Form Drawing: Celtic knots
- Singing: singing two-part songs
- Orchestra: choosing a string instrument
- Handwork: Embroidery, Cross Stitch, Macrame
- Eurythmy
- Foreign Language
- Painting
- Sports
- Ancient Cultures - Mythology -
India Persia Mesopotamia Egypt Greece
- American Geography - Biomes
- Botany
- Geometry
- Mathematics: Fractions and Decimals
- Singing and Orchestra
- Handwork:
- Eurythmy
- English: reading, writing, and grammar
- Composition: Friendly Letters
- Foreign Language
- Painting
- Sports
- History - the transition from ancient to modern:
Greek history,
the decline of Greece,
the rise and fall of Rome, and
the effects of these cultures on European civilization up through the Middle Ages
- World Geography (continents, oceans, flags of the world)
- Geology
- Astronomy
- Physics:
Acoustics Optics
- Geometry
- Business Mathematics: Formulas, Percents, Graphing
- Singing and Orchestra
- Handwork: Woodworking
- Eurythmy
- English: reading, writing, and grammar
Composition: Business Letters
this is also a good time to begin keyboarding, if desired
- Foreign Language
- Painting
- Sports
- History - Renaissance and Reformation, the Age of Exploration
- World Geography
- Physics:
Mechanics Inorganic Chemistry Physiology
- Geometry
- Mathematics: Ratios, Algebra
Negative Numbers Square and Cube Roots
- Singing and Orchestra
- Handwork:
Embroidery Carving Clay Modeling
- Eurythmy: ballads, drama, tragedy
- English
- Composition: Creative Writing
- Foreign Language
- Painting
- Sports
- History - the Industrial Revolution to the present day
- Geography as related to World Economics
- World Religions
- Physics:
Acoustics Thermodynamics
Mechanics Electricity and Magnetism
Hydraulics Aerodynamics Meteorology
- Ecology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physiology
- Geometry: measurement of surfaces and volume
- Mathematics: practical applications of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry
- Singing and Orchestra:
Elizabethan Music American Music Symphonic Form
- Handwork:
Machine Sewing Darning Artistic Hand-Sewing Projects Soapstone Carvings Carpentry
- Eurythmy: poems with contrasting moods
- English: the short story, famous speeches, Shakespearean drama
- Composition: Persuasive Writing, Essays
- Foreign Language
- Painting: highlights and shadows in portraits and landscapes
- Sports