Rhythms Unit Booklist
updated January 5, 2020


The Great Clay Adventure: Creative Handbuilding Projects For Young Artists

by Ellen Kong

"Educating the Feeling-will in the Kindergarten," an excerpt (PDF) from

Educating the Will

by Michael Howard

The entirety of Michael Howard's book is also now available online as a FREE PDF download from the Online Waldorf Library. It and Handwork and Handicraft: Indications by Rudolf Steiner (also available online for FREE) were the two required readings for my Waldorf Handwork teacher training.


The Nature Corner: Celebrating the Year's Cycle with Seasonal Tableaux

by M v Leeuwen & J Moeskops

Spring: Nature Activities for Children
by Imgard Kutsch and Brigitte Walden

    I strongly recommend investing in the set of these four books and building your Kindergarten curriculum around them!

Music & Movement

The Massage Deck: 50 Soothing Massage Techniques

by Katy Dreyfuss


Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots: Gardening Together with Children

by Sharon Lovejoy


How Children Play

by Ingeborg Haller

Looking Forward

by Molly von Heider
This book also includes a section called "Gardening with Children," by Hugh Peters and Fiona von Heider.


A House for Hermit Crab

by Eric Carle

Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices

by Paul Fleischman

Song of the Swallows

by Leo Politi

I am a Bunny

by Ole Risom

Where Butterflies Grow

by Joanne Ryder

In Every Moon There is a Face

by Charles Mathes

Pancakes, Pancakes!

by Eric Carle

As Big as You

by Elaine Greenstein

The Summerfolk

by Doris Burn

And the Good Brown Earth

by Kathy Henderson

When Clay Sings

by Byrd Baylor

When the Wind Stops

by Charlotte Zolotow

Child of Faerie, Child of Earth

by Jane Yolen

The Lion and the Little Red Bird

by Elisa Kleven

Badger's Parting Gifts

by Susan Varley

For read-alouds at bedtime:

All of these books are by Reg Down. Since the writing of this unit, he has published more! Here's the complete list from my 2018 blog post: The Tiptoes Books

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