Kindergarten Booklist

This list assumes several things; first, that you have purchased the books mentioned on the list from the previous grade level (Preschool), and second, that you have access to a free public library to augment your curriculum planning. For example, no collection of Grimm's fairy tales is included in the Kindergarten Dozen. This is something you can find at your local library. There are also many free resources online, such as Waldorf verses. Use all the free resources available to you to help keep costs down! Finally, I also assume that you are planning to continue with Waldorf in future years.

Toys and other school materials such as modeling beeswax are not included in these lists... they are simply the 12 books I think you should buy for each school year (thus making it quite subjective).

Many of these books are here with an eye to the future; that is, because they will be needed not only now but throughout the later years. Let me assure you that getting them now will make First Grade MUCH less expensive! Some of them have quite small -- although valuable -- sections in regard to the kindy curriculum. If you do not plan on continuing with Waldorf in first grade, you may decide to omit some of the books, such as the one by Donna Simmons, and spend the extra money on more books from the Early Childhood section of Bob & Nancy's Bookshop. If you're not sure if you want to do Waldorf for the academic years, make Educational Tasks and Content one of your first purchases and read it carefully. It covers the entire curriculum and will help you make your decision.

Please note: Prices were at the time of writing & are subject to change.


Continue to use the books from Preschool +

Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum by Martyn Rawson and Tobias Richter
grades K through 12

Painting in Waldorf Education by Dick Bruin and Attie Lichthart
grades K through 12

Learning About the World Through Modeling: sculptural ideas for school and home by Arthur Auer
grades K through 8

Educating the Will by Michael Howard
grades K through 12

Fairy Tales
Magic Wool by Dagmar Schmidt and Freya Jaffke

Making Magical Fairy Tale Puppets by Christel Dhom

Making Fairy-Tale Wool Animals by Angelika Wolk-Gerche

Music & Movement
Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures: Movement Enrichment with a Therapeutic Approach for Early Childhood by Nancy Blanning and Laurie Clark

From Nature Stories to Natural Science: A Holistic Approach to Science for Families by Donna Simmons
grades K through 12

Stories & Verses
Spindrift: A Collection of Miscellaneous Poems, Songs and Stories for Young Children by Wynstones Press

Let Us Form a Ring: An Acorn Hill Anthology by Nancy Foster

Feltcraft: Making Dolls, Gifts and Toys by Petra Berger













Recommended Kindergarten Curriculum Books
TOTAL COST approx. $250.00

12 books

You can find many of these books used through Yahoo groups such as waldorfcurriculum-supplies.

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